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Reduce Your Debt by Up to 60%
California Debt Relief & Debt Settlement Experts


Parlier Credit Management Specialists

Debts are everyday concerns that most adults have to deal with. If you’re having trouble coping with yours, know that a lot of people share the same issues, and there are corresponding professionals who could help.

debt settlement advisorManaging finances and debt payments is something that doesn’t come too easy for most people. This is why at Optimal Debt Solutions, our Parlier credit management specialists are committed to helping you sort out your debts and obtain financial freedom. With our team’s financial management expertise, we can offer you the best debt management solution possible for your unique circumstances.

We will carefully assess your situation and represent you as we start to execute the most feasible credit management solution. You can then avoid harassment or aggressive collection methods from your creditors since we will personally handle the negotiations with them.

More importantly, we offer an initial consultation—free of charge! You can tell us more about your debt status, and we can guide you through the possible solutions that you can implement. If everything sounds good to you, we can start paving your way to financial freedom immediately!

Call Optimal Debt Solutions today at (213) 463-7313 for your Free Evaluation with a Parlier Credit Management Specialist!

Reduce Your Debt

debt consolidationDebts have become a normal part of every adult’s life. For some, they are even necessary to fulfill their daily needs. However, debts can become problematic if a person doesn’t have adequate skills to properly handle them. This is true, unfortunately, to a lot of people. What makes things worse are the unforeseen events, such as job loss and medical emergencies, that can lead to more debts.

Optimal Debt Solutions understands that even if you want to, some things can hinder you from clearing your debts. Our job is to help you overcome these hurdles and guide you on reducing your debt to eventually gain your financial stability back.

Our team of Parlier credit management specialists has extensive experience in helping our clients address different types of debt problems, including the following:

1. Credit card debt
2. Medical bills
3. Unsecured loans
4. Payday loans
5. Collections Accounts
6. Repossessions

We know that some collection agencies tend to exercise aggressive methods, which we are here to stop. Our team will carefully assess every aspect of your situation to ensure that we will come up with the most efficient way of clearing your debts.

The goal is to minimize your debts through negotiations and better payment terms. Once we bring your debts down to a more manageable level, our focus will be on helping you make consistent payments and avoid acquiring any more debts in the future.

Debt Consolidation vs Debt Settlement

piling up debtDebt settlement and debt consolidation are two options that people commonly look into as they seek ways to clear their debts. Both options can help you better manage your credit—much more with experts helping you in every decision making. However, debt consolidation and debt settlement utilize different strategies, and each has its pros and cons.

With debt consolidation, you will roll all your loans into one new loan. This means that you won’t have to pay multiple creditors anymore. Instead, you will only make one regular payment and relieve some of your mental stress.

Ideally, the new loan should have a lower interest rate for you to have significant savings. However, only a few creditors will be willing to grant you a better interest rate if you’ve already acquired many debts. On the other hand, debt settlement is the process of refusing to pay your creditors and negotiating with them in order to only pay an amount lesser than your original debt. If your creditors agreed to settle, you would pay the agreed amount in a lump sum or series of installments.

Although debt settlement will significantly reduce your debt amount, it can negatively impact your credit score as well. Also, creditors can always deny your attempt to settle.

If you’re not sure which method will work best for you, don’t hesitate to ask for our assistance. With our expert credit management specialists on your side, you will not only find the best debt solution for your problem but will also see through it in the most efficient way possible.

Effective Credit Management

Proper credit management is not an easy task for many people. The lack of knowledge in financial management can lead to an accumulated large amount of debt over time. And once you’re overwhelmed by the payments you have to make, paying a professional to help you with your debt seems to only add to your financial worries.

Fortunately, Optimal Debt Solutions can prove to you that we’re here to help!

With thousands of clients who have already been relieved not just of their debts but also of their emotional and mental stress, we can proudly guarantee that our unique credit management program is efficient and worth paying for. Optimal Debt Solutions is an expert in negotiating with creditors in order to give our clients lower interest rates or better payment terms.

More importantly, our Parlier credit management specialists are only offering personalized services for each of our clients. We tailor our debt solutions in order to match your specific needs and financial status. With a thorough assessment of your circumstances, we will know what payment terms you can better manage and what system will be best for you to follow to avoid any more debts.

By going through the financial program that we have tailored for you, you will be able to see a significant reduction in your debts in no time. Additionally, our minimal service fee will already be included in the monthly deposits you’ll be making for your debt payments.

Parlier Credit Management Company

Parlier Credit Management Specialists optimal logoLife in itself can already get stressful—even more if you have considerable debts. Optimal Debt Solutions understands that with all your responsibilities and other issues to deal with, managing your debts can be too much of a headache. That’s why we’re extending expert assistance.

To help you gain financial freedom as soon as possible, we offer our expertise in personally addressing your credit issues. From negotiating with your creditors for a more flexible payment plan to helping you build your credit score back up, trust that our Parlier credit management specialists have the right skills and adequate experience to offer you an efficient, cost-effective solution.

Call Optimal Debt Solutions today at (213) 463-7313 for your Free Evaluation with a Parlier Credit Management Specialist!